Friday, November 2, 2012

30 Days of Thankfulness: Day 2

I am thankful for my friends.

The huz and I have wonderful friends. Friends who are more like family than friends. Friends who help us paint our whole house when they would much rather be sleeping. Friends we can count on.

And because it is Friday....

Each week, Hilary at Feeling Beachie  listing four statements with a blank for you to fill in on your own blogs. This week’s co-host is Beckey from really, really, real housewives  - she came up with the last two statements.  Join in the fun and hop over and sign up!
Hilary lives in the area affected by Hurricane Sandy and while she and her husband, Marc, are safe—they have suffered a lot of damage to their home and are without power, internet and phone.  Please keep her and the rest of the victims of this storm in your thoughts and prayers.
This week’s statements:
1. Growing up _____
2. Wouldn’t ____ be wonderful?
3. If I hadn’t _____, then I never would have _____.
4. When I _____, I like to _____.
My answers:
1. Growing up I was a very shy kid.
2. Wouldn't world peace be wonderful?
3. If I hadn't decided NOT to move to California, the I (probably) never would have married the huz.
4. When I clean, I like to blare the music (except when I clean while Punky's sleeping).

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