Or money to buy books!
I just finished my vacation NOOK book splurge (yes, I have been back from vacation for over a week- reading time is MUCH harder to come by with a 9 month old). The third book in the Katen Vail series did not disappoint. Velocity was an exciting read and had the surprise ending of- you guessed it! A FOURTH book in the series! Oh Mr. Jacobson, you got me. I already downloaded a sample of book four to my NOOK. But just a sample. I really am trying to clear my to-be-read shelves here at home before adding new books to my virtual shelves.... Plus I think Dr. Alex Delaware is feeling neglected and will require some time here soon. Oh. And I've been thinking it's been over a year since I read my favorite... I need a little Scout in my life. Fall seems like the appropriate time for that one.
I think I have a new motto: Will trade cupcakes for books!
When you come see me you can have a look at my collection and borrow anything you like. Though you may have read everything I have of interest....