Friday, August 10, 2012

8 of 10

Wow! I'm already through book 8 of the 10 book challenge! And it's only August! Honestly, I cannot believe I'm going to (likely) hit my goal ahead of schedule. Amazing!

Last night I decided it was a reading night. So I put on my jammies and crawled into bed. I didn't intend to finish the book last night, but I only had 8 pages to go when the huz crawled into bed- so I went for it! Turned those last few pages before turning out the light.

Okay, on to the book review. "How to Eat a Cupcake: A Novel" by Meg Donohue was a cute little story. I mean, it had cupcakes in it, how could I not like it?! It was slightly predictable, yet I still found myself rooting for the characters and getting misty-eyed at just the right part- even though I knew, I KNEW! what was going to happen.

The fun thing about this book is that the two main characters take turns telling the story. Chapter alternate if it is Annie or Julia telling the story. And the author did this well- no confusion about which character was telling the story. And I think it really enhanced the story itself. Inside perspective into the character's minds. Yadda yadda yadda.

One and a half stars for predictability and two thumbs up for enjoyment on the Random Ramblings Random Rating Scale.

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