Wednesday, November 27, 2013


So last year I did a November blog challenge to post 30 things I am thankful for over the 30 days of November. I thought about doing it again this year and decided against it. Not because I couldn't come up with 30 things to be thankful for, I certainly could. Instead, I just decided to have one day in which I verbally (bloggily?) publicly am thankful.

Of course I am thankful for the usual, family, friends, home, employment, etc. I am. I really am. I am also thankful for the random people in my life who have offered support, kind words, suggestions for dealing with a body that refuses to function the way I believe it should. I do sort through it all and pick and choose what works for me and for my life, but I am grateful for those who have said "Hey, me too, this is what I did." In a way it is nice to know there are others out there. And it is sad. That so many of us are suffering (that word might be a little strong, but I couldn't come up with a better one). And I am thankful for those who take care of me and my family in so many different ways.  I am grateful to live in a country where I can list 30+ things I am thankful for and publish it for the world to see. These things do not escape me. Even on days when I do not feel very thankful, I have things for which I am thankful! And when I focus on those things, then the day isn't so bad.

Wouldn't the world be a kinder, gentler (more gentle?) place if we continued to be thankful all year instead of just daily in November?

1 comment:

  1. Yes, definitely we are blessed to live someplace where we can come up with something every single day that we are thankful for. It is a much better day when I am able to focus on the blessings and not the problems. Thanks for reminding me that every day should be a day of thanksgiving. I am thankful for YOU!
