So last year I did a November blog challenge to post 30 things I am thankful for over the 30 days of November. I thought about doing it again this year and decided against it. Not because I couldn't come up with 30 things to be thankful for, I certainly could. Instead, I just decided to have one day in which I verbally (bloggily?) publicly am thankful.
Of course I am thankful for the usual, family, friends, home, employment, etc. I am. I really am. I am also thankful for the random people in my life who have offered support, kind words, suggestions for dealing with a body that refuses to function the way I believe it should. I do sort through it all and pick and choose what works for me and for my life, but I am grateful for those who have said "Hey, me too, this is what I did." In a way it is nice to know there are others out there. And it is sad. That so many of us are suffering (that word might be a little strong, but I couldn't come up with a better one). And I am thankful for those who take care of me and my family in so many different ways. I am grateful to live in a country where I can list 30+ things I am thankful for and publish it for the world to see. These things do not escape me. Even on days when I do not feel very thankful, I have things for which I am thankful! And when I focus on those things, then the day isn't so bad.
Wouldn't the world be a kinder, gentler (more gentle?) place if we continued to be thankful all year instead of just daily in November?
Yes, definitely we are blessed to live someplace where we can come up with something every single day that we are thankful for. It is a much better day when I am able to focus on the blessings and not the problems. Thanks for reminding me that every day should be a day of thanksgiving. I am thankful for YOU!