Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Cloudy with a chance of meatballs

Ever have a day when the weather outside doesn't match your mood? Normally sunny days make us feel happy and sunny inside, especially in the cold winter months (and since there was snow on the ground today, it is now winter in my book). But today, the sun is shining and I feel cloudy inside.

I got word today that something tragic and senseless and probably preventable happened to someone I used to work with (a client, not a coworker). And it has left me feeling unfocused, unproductive, unhappy today. Cloudy. And what happened will affect so many other lives too. I'll do my processing of the event today and move on to sunnier skies tomorrow (maybe even tonight when I get home and can snuggle my Punky). But for many it will be a long time before the sun shines on them again. Which makes me think of all those tragic events that happen to people I don't know. Everyday things happen that bring the shadows into people's lives. I hear it all the time. On the news. In books. In my office. Some days are harder than others to not feel the pain of others. Some days that job at Starbucks looks better and better!

But the clouds will roll away and the sun will return. And I'll come out of my funk.


  1. There are always going to be those cloudy days and the sad thing is that in this case it sounds like it could have been prevented. Your heart is so big and it hurts you to see others in pain and hurting and svn though there may be nothing you can do about it---that is what makes you you and why you are in the field that you are professionally. A huge heart is a good thing but it also can be difficult when it hurts, right? Hope sunnier days are ahead for you----you are making a difference in your corner of the world today---don't forget that!

    1. Indeed, it is a good and bad thing to have a big heart and work in the field I am in. Most days I am able to leave work at the office, but not always.

  2. So sorry your heart is hurting. :( I am praying for those involved in the "situation" and for sunnier days ahead for you. You wouldn't have a heart if you didn't wonder in this day and age why so many things happen to people and how we have gotten so messed up. It seems every direction we turn, we hear of something else. I don't know how people cope without faith and God in their lives. Hang in there, squeeze that little one a little tighter.....this too shall pass.

    1. Thanks! I sure have been squeezing Punky extra this week!
