Friday, July 19, 2013

Friday F*yawn*un

So yesterday morning when the Punk woke up early and I was able to rock with her for a while and get her to sleep a few minutes longer; I spent that time catching up on my aunt's blog. I was at least a week behind. 

This morning the rocking trick failed. I blame the persistently, insistently mewing cat. 

But whatever the reason, Punky was awake. Early. Too early.

Perfect time to try to sneak in a blog post while she is destroying my kitchen.

And it is Friday Fun Fill-In day!

Each week posts four statements with blanks to be completed on your own blog. This week, co-host Susi from Boca Frau supplies the last two statements.

This week's statements:
1. Lately I have been _____ and it's driving me crazy.
2. I sometimes have a _____.
3. My favorite type of music is ____ because _____.
4. I'm always amazed by how much ____ my ____ can make.

My answers:
1. Lately I have been exhausted (but sleeping restlessly) and it's driving me crazy.
2. I sometimes have a strange urge to yodel. No, not really. I sometimes have a strange urge to shop. And I do not like shopping!
3. My favorite type of music is just about anything but country or rap because it isn't country or rap.
4. I'm always amazed by how much attention my cupcakes can make. (Too bad it isn't money!!)