Friday, May 30, 2014

High quality H2O

It's been several weeks since I've joined in the Friday Fill-In over at Time to jump in again!

1) I drink ____ in the AM.
2) I read _____.
3) Sometimes I wonder ___ but then ____.
4) Given the choice between ___ and ___ I'd pick ____.

1) I drink water in the AM. And PM!
2) I read books, lots of books!
3) Sometimes I wonder if I will survive the terrible twos but then my two year old gives me a hug and says "I love you."
4) Given the choice between a beach vacation and a mountain one I'd pick the beach, 9 times out of 10!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Misadventures in Baking

Little known fact (ha! As if there are any little known facts about me!) I'm thrifty. (Okay, cheap.) I love a good bargain. I'm about one step away from one of those ultimate couponers (granted it's a big step- I need time to learn how to do it and time to actually do it!). I hate to waste food. So when I was baking up a new recipe of cupcakes I decided I would use up the leftover icing from the last batch. But I didn't think green icing would be quite right for Coca cola cupcakes with a vanilla coke cream filling. 
But I had a plan! Throw in some cocoa powder, make it chocolatey and cover up the green color too. Well, let's just say this wasn't one of my more brilliant ideas. The transformation process wasn't pretty! The bright green morphed into a horrible brownish green and then a greenish brown before an acceptable brown color was achieved. Then it was time to put it on the cupcakes. I was out of pastry bags, so I used a ziplock. No fancy star tip this time. Mistake! I'm sure my child filling her diaper at the same time as I was piping the frosting didn't help, but these were cupcakes that were never going to look appetizing to me! 
Wonder if there is a market for poocakes...

Friday, May 2, 2014

So it has been a while since I have posted. Life just seems to keep me too busy. Time to jump back in with's Friday Fill-In.

This week's statements:
1) I really ______ in the early a.m.
2) I wish the _____ would always stay _____.
3) _____ is my favorite place when I am _____.
4) If I hear _____ one more time, I will ____.

My answers:
1) I really need to sleep better in the early a.m.
2) I wish the weather would always stay nice.
3) Lakeside is my favorite place when I am feeling sentimental.
4) If I hear Let it Go one more time, I will sing along.