Monday, April 11, 2011

Completed: One Book

Just finished Dan Brown's "Angels and Demons." My thoughts? I found the beginning a little slow, but the action picked up in the middle and the book had a nice solid ending. I approve. On my random rating scale that means absolutely nothing I give this book a 7.78.
I'm down to oohhh, 35 books left on my bookshelf in the "to be read" stacks. Yes, stacks, plural. I think for every one I finish I add two more! But at least I've always got a selection. Next I will be taking advantage of my fabulous Nook's "LendMe" feature and will be delving into the electronic pages of "The Handmaid's Tale." We shall see if my goal of completing the book in the 14 days allotted by Nook will be met with success...Looks like I've gotta get my read on now!

1 comment:

  1. It's a fairly quick read, I think I read it within a weeks time.
