Harper's anticipated arrival date is a mere 7 weeks away and I confess I am both completely ready and absolutely, positively nowhere near ready (if it's possible to be both at the same time). Her room was pretty spare. A dresser with some clothes, a crib without a mattress or bedding, a stuffed lamb, and a rocking chair. Now, I know if we just picked up a car seat to get her home we really didn't NEED anything else- well, maybe the mattress- but being first time parents and having the personalities we have, her dad and I wanted her room to
be... well-stocked. Dollar signs floated before our eyes. It wasn't exactly our plan to (finally) buy a house a 3 months before the baby appears on the scene. It just happened that way. And added to the stress of trying to make sure everything was just so- in the house and for Harper.
Anyway, this weekend, my amazing friends and family came together to shower us with gifts for the baby. I was blown away by how many people showed up. And their generosity. Maybe it's the pregnancy hormones, but I'm still a little emotional thinking about it. I don't think words can express how grateful we are. Of course there are still things we want to get- I mean really, can she ever have enough? (We'll spoil her now, before she's old enough to know she's being spoiled!) Seriously though, I worked up a sweat opening gifts. Who does that?! I only hope we do her justice and are able to instill in her the same gratitude we feel towards our family and friends.