Thursday, August 16, 2018

Happy Anniversary

I doubt many (if any) of my friends would describe me as a mushy romantic. Trashy novels aren't my jam unless there is a really good murder mystery mixed in. I pick action flick over chick flick 9 times out of 10. I just am not good at public displays of romance. I go for humor over gushiness (is that a real word?). I am making myself uncomfortable already.

We are celebrating 11 years of marriage. and by celebrate, I mean we look at each other, shrug, and agree it has been pleasant enough for us to continue. (See, there is that "humor" I was talking about.) I like to think that after 13 years together, he knows how I feel about him. I also know sometimes you need to hear it anyway.


My dear Huz,
Thank you for the laughs (even when, especially when, I want to be mad at you) and the love; for spoiling me at Christmas, and not getting mad when I buy books. Thank you for getting the oil changed in my car and tolerating my crazy hair colors (we have an understanding). Thank you for good vacations, health insurance, and calling me first to rant when work sucks. Thank you for teaching our kid about superheroes and enduring endless infestations of glitter. Thank you for supporting my growing mermaid obsession and letting the dog out the last time each night. Thank you for saying I could go back to school to be anything I want without reminding me how much I still owe on my student loans. Thank you for not commenting when I come home with more yarn. Thank you for choosing a different movie when I do not want to watch the one you picked out. Thank you for picking up milk. And eggs. And poison ivy relief stuff. Thank you for eating cereal without complaint when I am too tired to cook. I could not have made it through everything that has been thrown at us over the years, especially recently, without you. When the unfairness has threatened to break me, you have never once failed to let me smell the chocolate on your breath. Just like the tattoos on my skin, you have left a permanent mark on me, one that would be too incredibly painful to remove. Happy anniversary, I heart you.